Nikita Lomagin, TYREMAN Group expert: "If something happens to a tire: the pressure drops or the temperature rises, the driver is immediately notified on the display. This will allow him to save the tire in case of damage at an early stage. He won't get into an accident. Will not go off the road. He will avoid having to dismantle and reinstall the wheel, which is especially important in winter."
Alexander Namestnikov, Head of technical control department of Bulk cargo transportation company: "It's gotten to the point now where drivers don't want to get into a vehicle that doesn't have a tire monitoring system. All of these things start to pay off when a driver has a problem. As soon as a sensor goes off while driving, he stops and sees the problem, he realizes that he has just saved a wheel and saved 20-30 thousand rubles. This is the best motivation for drivers.
Anton Surushkin, Commercial director of Tosnensky feed mill: "We started using the TYREMAN system in the summer of 2020. We equipped this car. All 12 wheels. And in that time we have saved three wheels."
Sergei Kulakov, Commercial director of MONTRANS Group of companies: "The parameter "tire pressure" is in our lineup and allows the client to approach the issue of savings in a comprehensive way. We come to the customer not only with our own solutions, but also with the solutions of our partners. These are tire pressure professionals. We engage them and provide the client with a complete solution based on our Montrans Online monitoring."