Alexander Lependin, head of video analytics at MONTRANS Group of Companies: “The intelligent development of Montrans DVR helps to solve many problems of car fleets. The main one is to ensure safety for drivers and for other road users. In addition, smart cameras will track attempts to steal fuel, stop aggressive driving style and increase the driving culture of employees. These factors allow the fleet to achieve significant cost savings.”
Mikhail Yakimov, Director of the Institute of Transport Planning of the Russian Academy of Transport: “Russia has an excess of tools, technologies and hardware. Processing and storage of a large amount of information is relevant for fleets now. Many owners of cloud services are afraid to get into users' personal data and are afraid of information leaks from databases. In the near future, the Ministry of Transportation needs to develop a regulator that will help to work with databases without fear.”
Stanislav Emelyanov, managing partner of MONTRANS Group of Companies: The innovative MONTRANS.ONLINE service is not just a transport monitoring program. “Aiti” solution controls the work of transport and personnel in automatic mode 24/7 and processes a large volume of indicators, converting them into final analytical reports. This service helps minimize fleet costs. Management promptly responds to all changes in the work of the enterprise. Company owners can forecast business processes, calculate costs and economic effect”.