Evgeny Maksaev, managing partner of “MONTRANS”: “The profit of the enterprise directly depends on how effectively the fleet management manages resources and uses monitoring data. MONTRANS.ANALYTICS program service allows to significantly reduce fuel and lubricant costs and increase the productivity of each unit of equipment. The business intelligence system of transportation companies simplifies the tasks of technical and financial administration by combining the entire huge amount of data within one management standard. As a result, management receives top-level reports with absolutely reliable indicators, as their preparation was not influenced by the human factor. Diagrams, graphs and summary tables provide complete information on the operation of all vehicles. Under control: movement of vehicles, time of work of vehicles, refueling, work of mechanisms, idle time, motor-hours, traffic violations and many other parameters. As a result: MONTRANS.ANALYTICS solution increases the efficiency of machinery and economic efficiency of the fleet.”
Dmitry Zhuravlev, Managing Partner of MONTRANS Group of Companies: “We are now living in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. And we already know what “Revolution 5.0” will be. Today, cloud technologies manage humans and help them correct mistakes. This minimizes the human factor. As one of our customers stated: “Where are we going with our carpool to your digital world?”. To which we replied: “If you don't try to change, you can remain a car depot for the rest of your life.